
Resilience System

U.S. NIH is starting studies to find treatements for long COVID

Loss of smell or taste no longer a telltale sign of COVID

CDC says news COVID varient is dominat in U.S., also spreading in UK

Negative view of COVID vaccines continue - new polls


The results of the present study show many Americans still hold a dismissive view of COVID-19 vaccines. As of April 2023, 30% of the population have not been vaccinated with primary doses, and 83% of those eligible have not received a booster dose.


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Solar power helps Europe's energy system cope with extreme heat

‘Eris’ Is New Covid-19 Variant Spreading, Monitored By WHO

Guidance on vaccinations, etc as summer Covid-19 cases increase

Covid Eris symptoms of the new variant driving surge in cases

A new Covid variant dubbed Eris has emerged as hospital admissions spike amid bad weather and waning immunity this summer.

A descendant of Omicron, Eris, or EG.5.1, was first classified as a variant in the UK on 31 July, but now accounts for one in 10 Covid cases.

It is now the second most prevalent variant in the UK, after Arcturus which makes up almost half of all infection cases at 39.4 per cent, according to UKHSA.


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As COVID cases and hospitalizations rise, experts warn of another possible "tripledemic."

The odds of a fatal heart attack increase during heatwaves especially amid air polution --study

Analysis: Warming Could Push the Atlantic Past a ‘Tipping Point’ This Century


ALSO SEE: Gulf stream could collapse as early as 2025, study suggests


The last time there was a major slowdown in the mighty network of ocean currents that shapes the climate around the North Atlantic, it seems to have plunged Europe into a deep cold for over a millennium.

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Climate change fingerprints are on the July heat waves in Europe, China and America --study of some drugs may be disrupted after last week's North Carolina tornado, Pfizer says

Misinformation issue: FDA tries to fight misinformation but sometimes stumbles

Scammers are billing people for COVID tests they did not order.


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